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Our Schools

Yorkshire Endeavour Academy Trust is a unique and exciting partnership that was formed in 2018 by five primary schools that have a long and successful track record of collaborative working. Each with significant expertise in supporting schools.

Our Schools

Yorkshire Endeavour Academy Trust is a unique and exciting partnership that was formed in 2018 by five primary schools that have a long and successful track record of collaborative working. Each with significant expertise in supporting schools.

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About our school

Our governors

Castleton and Glaisdale Governors

The Governing Body

The Governing Body has a general responsibility for the effective management of the school, acting within the framework set by national legislation and by the policies of the academy.

Parent Governors are elected by parents of pupils registered at the school

Staff Governors are elected by staff at the school

Minutes of Local Governing Body meetings are available from the school on request. Please contact the Company Secretary at

Chair of Governors: Mr Mark Hollingworth (

Vice-chair of Governors: Mrs Jo Kevan

Clerk to Governors: E Asquith (

Governor Roles and Committees

Safeguarding: Mrs J Kevan

Finance Committee: Mr J Culley (Chair); Mr W Whitehead and Mr M Hollingworth

Standards Working Party: Mrs J Kevan (Chair) and Mr M Hollingworth

SEND: Mr M Hollingworth

Pupil Premium: Mrs J Kevan

Attendance: Mr M Hollingworth

 Terms of Office

Name Designation Term of Office Start Term of office Ends



Co-Opted by LGB





ex-officio HT - Lealholm

1 - Jan -22




Co-Opted by LGB





Co-Opted by LGB





ex-officio HT - Castleton/Glaisdale




Elected by parents (Castleton)



Lynn Foster Elected by parents (Lealholm) 13-Jan -23 31-Aug-24
Anna Harrison Co-opted by LGB 28-Feb-23 31-Aug-24
Tina Ollerenshaw Co-opted by LGB 22-Dec-23 31-Mar-24
William Whitehead Elected by parents (Glaisdale) 18-Jan-24 17-Jan-28
Kristi Jasper (née Lobianco) Elected by staff 23-Jan-24 22-Jan-28
Alex Nightingale Elected by staff 23-Jan-24 31-Aug-24
Joy Sinclair Associated Governor appointed by LGB 23-Jan-24 31-Aug-24
Andrew Wood ex-officio Interim Head of School (Glaisdale) 01-May-24
Ben Thorpe Co-opted by LGB 22-Nov-24 21-Nov-28


Attendance 24-25

Name 01/10/2024 21/01/25 29/04/25 Attended

Mark Hollingworth

1 of 1

Joanne Kevan

1 of 1

Oliver Cooper

1 of 1

Joe Culley

1 of 1

William Whitehead

1 of 1

Kristi Jasper (née Lobianco)

1 of 1

Andrew Wood

1 of 1

Ben Thorpe



Attendance 23-24

Name 10/10/23 23/01/2024 18/06/2024 Attended

Mark Hollingworth


2 of 3

Joy Sinclair


N/A - associate governor

N/A - associate governor

0 of 1

Resigned as co-opted governor 31/12/23

Associate governor from 23/01/24-31/08/24

Christina Zanelli


2 of 3

Resigned 31/08/24 due to new board forming

Matthew Sellers



1 of 1

Resigned 31/12/23

Kate Smith


2 of 3

Resigned 31/08/24 due to new board forming

Joanne Kevan

3 of 3

Oliver Cooper

3 of 3

Joe Culley


2 of 3

Lynn Foster

3 of 3

Resigned 31/08/24 due to new board forming

Anna Harrison

3 of 3

Resigned 31/08/24 due to new board forming

William Whitehead


2 of 2

Tina Ollerenshaw


X Resigned

0 of 1

Resigned 31-03-24

Kristi Jasper (née Lobianco)


X 2 of 2

Alex Nightingale


2 of 2 Resigned 31/08/24 due to new board forming

Andrew Wood


N/A 1 of 1


Finance Committee Attendance 24-25

12/11/24 03/03/25 09/06/25 Attended
Joanne Kevan 1 of 1
Mark Hollingworth X 0 of 1
Oliver Cooper 1 of 1
Joe Culley 1 of 1
William Whitehead X 0 of 1
Andrew Wood 1 of 1

Finance Committee Attendance 23-24

13/11/23 04/03/24 03/06/24 Attended
Joanne Kevan X 2 of 3
Mark Hollingworth 3 of 3
Oliver Cooper 3 of 3
Christina Zanelli 3 of 3
Joy Sinclair N/A N/A N/A N/A
Joe Culley 3 of 3

Register of Interests (Academic year 2024-25)

Business Interests Personal Interests Interests in other educational establishments
Mrs J Kevan

Castleton Village Hall [Vice Chair to the committee]

Castleton Cricket Club [Secretary to the committee]

Related to peripatetic music teacher who works in Castleton, Glaisdale and Lealholm Schools. [No involvement in decision making relating to this appointment].

Mr O Cooper None Interim Headteacher and governor - Lythe and Goathland Primary Schools
Mr M Hollingworth

Glaisdale Cricket Club [Chair]

Robinson Institute (village hall) [Trustee]

Moorsweb [Committee member]

Post Gate Farm Holiday Cottages (owner)

Derwent Valley Junior Cricket Club (Chair)

Mr J Culley None
Mrs K Jasper (Nee Lobianco) None
Mr W Whitehead Whitehead Alloys
Mr A Wood Governor at Airy Hill School
Mr B Thorpe TBC 

Register of Interests (Academic year 2023-24)

Business Interests Personal Interests Interests in other educational establishments
Mrs J Kevan

Castleton Village Hall [Vice Chair to the committee]

Castleton Cricket Club [Secretary to the committee]

Related to peripatetic music teacher who works in Castleton, Glaisdale and Lealholm Schools. [No involvement in decision making relating to this appointment].

Mrs C Zanelli None

Co-Chair of Governors at Caedmon College

CEO of Yorkshire Endeavour Academy Trust

Mr O Cooper None
Mr M Hollingworth

Glaisdale Cricket Club [Chair]

Robinson Institute (village hall) [Trustee]

Moorsweb [Committee member]

Post Gate Farm Holiday Cottages (owner)

Derwent Valley Junior Cricket Club (Chair)

Mrs J Sinclair

Governor of Grangetown Primary School.

Trustee and Vice Chair of Trustees at Steel River Academy Trust.

Mr J Culley None
Mrs K Smith DC Smith and Sons Partner
Mrs L Foster Related to staff member at Castleton School Teacher at East Whitby School, Whitby.
Mrs A Harrison None Teacher at Caedmon College, Whitby
Mrs K Lobianco (Jasper) None
Mr A Nightingale None
Mr W Whitehead Whitehead Alloys
Mrs T Ollerenshaw
Mr A Wood Governor at Airy Hill School